Once upon a time there was a rose who was

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Once upon a time there was a rose who was very proud of its beautiful looks. Its only disappointment was that it grew next to an ugly cactus. Every day, the rose would insult he cactus on its looks while the cactus stayed quiet. All the other plants in the garden tried to make the rose see sense, but it was too swayed by it own good looks.One summer, the well in the garden grew dry and there was no water for the plants. The rose
began to wilt. It saw a sparrow dip its beak into the cactus for some water. Though ashamed, the rose asked the cactus if it could have some water too. The cactus readily agreed and they both got through the tough summer as friends,

From the story, we know that the cactus was….


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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A. humble

Semoga Membantu

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Last Update: Tue, 07 Mar 23