tolonglah bantu saya mengerjakan soal iniAmong some groups of people,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zenisapeaje pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolonglah bantu saya mengerjakan soal iniAmong some groups of people, cats have a reputation as rather silly
animals that are always getting themselves stuck in trees. Cats have often
been known to become frightened of something, to run up a tree, and then to
cry sadly until they are rescued.
There is, in reality, a reasonable explanation for this type of behavior,
and it has to do with the shape of the cat’s claws. A cat’s claws are hooked in a
direction that makes climbing up a tree a rather easy task. However, when it
comes to climbing back down the tree, these claws are not very helpful.
Thus, if you happen to see a meowing cat stuck in a tree, have some
sympathy for the cat. The cat managed to get up in the tree quite easily, but the
shape of its claws make it quite impossible for the cat to climb down with the
same ease.

1. The passage indicates that some people think that cats are silly because the cats

a. have funny-looking claws
b.Climb trees and cannot get down
c.frighten other cats.
d.are unable to rescue other cats

2. The expression “in reality” in line 5 could best be replaced by agreement contrast all probability fact

4.Look at the word hooked in paragraph. This word is closest in meaning to


5. The word “helpful” in line 8 could best be replaced by


When babies are born, they always have blue eyes. This is because the
melanin, the pigment that colors the eyes, is not on the surface of the iris.
Instead, it is within the creases of the iris. Because there is little melanin on the
surface of the iris, the eyes appear blue.
After a few months, the melanin moves to surface of the iris. It is the
amount of melanin on the surface that determines a person’s permanent eye
color, so it is at this point that a baby’s eyes develop the color they will have
for a lifetime.

5. The word “pigment” in line 2 is closest in meaning to


6.Look at the word surface in paragraph 1 . This word is closest in meaning to

7..The word “permanent” in line 6 could best be replaced by

d Possible

8.Look at the word point in paragraph 2 . This word could best replaced by

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Among some groups of people, cats have a reputation as rather silly animals that are always getting themselves stuck in trees. Cats have often been known to become frightened of something, to run up a tree, and then to cry sadly until they are rescued. There is, in fact, a reasonable explanation for this type of behavior, and it has to do with the shape of the cat’s claws. A cat’s claws are curved in a direction that makes climbing up a tree a rather easy task. However, when it comes to climbing back down the tree, these claws are not very useful. Thus, if you happen to see a meowing cat stuck in a tree, have some sympathy for the cat. The cat managed to get up in the tree quite easily, but the shape of its claws make it quite impossible for the cat to climb down with the same ease.

1. The passage indicates that some people think that cats are silly because the cats

b. Climb trees and cannot get down

2. The expression “in reality” in line 5 could best be replaced by

d. in fact

4. Look at the word hooked in paragraph. This word is closest in meaning to

b. curved

5. The word “helpful” in line 8 could best be replaced by

c. useful

5. The word “pigment” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

b. Color

6. Look at the word surface in paragraph 1 . This word is closest in meaning to

a. top

7. The word “permanent” in line 6 could best be replaced by

c. lasting

8. Look at the word point in paragraph 2 . This word could best replaced by

c. time

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh brianherlambang2 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sun, 19 Mar 23