tolong buatkan passive voice tentang Blankon atau keris​

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Tolong buatkan passive voice tentang Blankon atau keris​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Active Voice: Blankon is known for its traditional dances and music.

Passive Voice: Traditional dances and music are known for Blankon.

Active Voice: The Blankon festival is celebrated annually by the people of Lampung.

Passive Voice: Annually, the Blankon festival is celebrated by the people of Lampung.

Active Voice: The Blankon performance was watched by thousands of people at the opening ceremony.

Passive Voice: Thousands of people at the opening ceremony watched the Blankon performance.

Active Voice: The Blankon musicians use a variety of traditional instruments in their performances.

Passive Voice: A variety of traditional instruments are used in Blankon musicians' performances.

Active Voice: The Blankon culture is passed down from generation to generation.

Passive Voice: The Blankon culture is passed down from generation to generation.

Active Voice: Blankon is recognized as an important cultural heritage of Lampung.

Passive Voice: Recognized as an important cultural heritage of Lampung, Blankon is.

Active Voice: Blankon is considered as one of the most attractive traditional dances in Indonesia.

Passive Voice: Considered as one of the most attractive traditional dances in Indonesia, Blankon is.

Active Voice: The Blankon dance was performed by the students in the school event.

Passive Voice: The Blankon dance was performed by the students in the school event.

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Last Update: Sun, 23 Apr 23