2. Work in groups of four. Complete the text with

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rafycobar pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

2. Work in groups of four. Complete the text with the arguments and also supply the best title. Title Thesis guments mendation Nowadays we rely heavily on modern technology for communication. Mobile phones are a useful gadgets to have, even for high school students. Unfortunately, many school systems have banned the use of mobile phones from school grounds. Why? My solution to this is that the school board, principals and teachers should make a rule that says mobile phones have to be turned off and kept away during school hours. If a student is caught texting or playing games with their mobile phone in the class, the teacher should take the phone for the rest of the day. The student counselor should invite their parents to school and make an agreement not to let their children text or play games during the learning process. This seems like a reasonable compromise because that way, the students are still able to contact whoever they need to after school, but are free from distractions during the school hours. Chapter 9 It Would be Better If 177​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Title: Enhancing Learning Environment: Regulating Mobile Phone Use in Schools

Thesis: In today's technology-driven world, mobile phones have become an essential communication tool. However, despite their usefulness, many schools have implemented bans on mobile phone usage within their premises. This text proposes a solution wherein the school board, principals, and teachers collaborate to enforce a rule that requires students to turn off and store their mobile phones during school hours. Furthermore, if students are found using their phones for texting or playing games during class, teachers should confiscate the devices for the remainder of the day. Additionally, student counselors should involve parents in this process by organizing meetings to establish an agreement that discourages mobile phone usage during the learning process. This approach strikes a reasonable compromise, enabling students to stay connected after school while minimizing distractions during school hours.

Chapter 9: It Would be Better If (Title)

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Last Update: Thu, 17 Aug 23