The dialogue below is for question no. 1. Lina: What

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari azahraazahra347 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

The dialogue below is for question no. 1. Lina: What happened, Siti? You couldn't get the right answer for the math test? Siti: I wish the teacher explained things more clearly. I'm always confused in this class. 1. From the text, we know that .... A. Siti is very good at Math. B. Lina couldn't answer the test either. C. The teacher didn't give clear explanation. D. Math is always a confusing subject. Read the following dialogue to answer question No. 2 Helen: I just can't tolerate her bad habit. Clara: Who are you talking about? Helen: My classmate. Clara: What's wrong with her? Helen: She litters garbage anywhere she wants. What a bad habit she has! Clara: Don't complain. You should talk to her. You ought to remind her again and again. Helen: Thanks for the advice. 2. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the dialogue? A. Clara tolerates littering habits. PR 1 habit​

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2. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the dialogue?

A. Clara tolerates littering habits.

The statement "Clara tolerates littering habits" is NOT TRUE according to the dialogue. From the dialogue, it can be inferred that Clara advises Helen to talk to her classmate about her bad habit of littering and to remind her about it repeatedly. This suggests that Clara does not tolerate the littering habit.

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Last Update: Fri, 17 Mar 23