tolonglah bantu saya mengerjakan soal ini dengan benar 1.I need

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zenisapeaje pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolonglah bantu saya mengerjakan soal ini dengan benar1.I need to buy some stamps and youbetter get to the post office quickly because the closes at 5 clock what can be inferred from the conversation
a. It would be better to go after five o’clock.
b. It is a long way to the post office.
c. It is almost five o’clock.
d. The man doesn’t really need the stamps.
2. graduation ceremony is this afternoon I can't believe it I graduated it last what does demand mean
a. He has finally finished his studies. b. He is the last person in his family to graduate.
c. He doesn’t believe he can improve gradually.
d. He graduated last in his class
3. I am tired of working on this painting and I really need a break if you see if you feel up to it you can come with us what does the woman suggest
a. The man needs to fill out the forms.
b. The man's car is out of gas and needs a fill-up.
c. The paint feels wet, and visitors should be careful.
d. The man is invited to go along.
4. how do you think you did on the Literature Exam that you had this morning I really wish I could take it over again what does the woman imply
a. She has not yet taken the literature exam.
b. She’s going to take the test over again.
c. She’s unhappy with how she did.
d. She thinks she did a good job on the exam.
5. your total comes to $187.15 business courses like to require these expensive hardbacks where does this conversation take pplace
a. In a grocery store.
b. At the School of Business.
c. In a hardware shop.
d. At a bookstore.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. C. It is almost five o’clock.
  2. A. He has finally finished his studies.
  3. D. The man is invited to go along.
  4. C. She’s unhappy with how she did.
  5. D. At a bookstore.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh inamora dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Thu, 20 Apr 23