Directions: Complete the sentences by using the words in the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Casioooo pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Directions: Complete the sentences by using the words in the list with the MODALS in parentheses.All of the completions are PASSIVE. divide



know ✔put off


teach tear down


1. Don't postpone things you need to do. Important work

shouldn't be put off

until the last minute. (should not)

2. Your application letter

3. Dogs

to do tricks. (can)

4. Mrs. Papadopolous didn't want her son to go to war because he


5. My son's class is too big. It

into two classes. (ought to)

6. A: Hey, Tony. These bananas are getting too ripe. They

today. Reduce the price. (must)

B: Right away, Mr. Rice.

7. It takes time to correct an examination that is taken by ten thousand students nationwide. The for at least four weeks. (will not)

test results

8. The big bank building on Main Street was severely damaged in the earthquake. The structure

is no longer strong or safe. The building Then a new bank in the same place. (has to, can)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Don't postpone things you need to do. Important work shouldn't be put off until the last minute. (should not)

2. Your application letter should be written professionally and without errors. (should)

3. Dogs can be taught to do tricks. (can)

4. Mrs. Papadopolous didn't want her son to go to war because he could be killed. (could)

5. My son's class is too big. It ought to be divided into two classes. (ought to)

6. A: Hey, Tony. These bananas are getting too ripe. They must be sold today. Reduce the price. (must)

B: Right away, Mr. Rice.

7. It takes time to correct an examination that is taken by ten thousand students nationwide. The test results will not be known for at least four weeks. (will not)

8. The big bank building on Main Street was severely damaged in the earthquake. The structure has to be torn down since it is no longer strong or safe. The building can then be rebuilt in the same place. (has to, can)

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Last Update: Fri, 02 Jun 23