A. Complete with TOO or ENOUGH and the adjective in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari jhelitahosiana27 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A. Complete with TOO or ENOUGH and the adjective in brackets:1. Peter is __________ to become a police officer. He's only 1.65 cm tall. (short)
2. I'd like to buy a new car and a good house, but I'm just not _________to do it. (rich)
3. My school is __________ from my house to go on foot. So, I cycle to school every morning. (far)
4. Kelly is __________ to drive a car. She's only 14. (young)
5. That skirt you are wearing is ___________for you. You need a bigger size. (tight)
6. David is quite a fast runner, but he isn't ___________to beat the Italian runner, who is
considered to be the best. (fast)
7. I'm a good swimmer, but I'm not __________to enter a championship. (good)
8. The beach was ___________yesterday, so we decided to go somewhere else. (crowded)
9. We wanted to go to Paris last weekend, but the plane tickets were ___________, so we stayed
at home. (expensive)
10. This T-shirt isn't __________for me. I need a bigger one. (big)
11. We didn't buy the sofa because it wasn't __________. (comfortable)
12. The students are __________to study the irregular verbs list by heart. (lazy)
13. The soup isn't ____________. I'd like it to be hotter. (hot)
14. Don't eat that chicken! It's __________. (salty)
15. The music is ___________and I can't hear anything you say. (loud)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. too short

2. rich enough

3. too far

4. too young

5. too tight

6. fast enough

7. good enough

8. too crowded

9. too expensive

10. big enough

11. comfortable enough

12. too lazy

13. hot enough

14. too salty

15. too loud

hope this helps! :D

sorry i made sum mistakes ;)

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Last Update: Sat, 04 Mar 23