12. The main information of the text is about.... a.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari chintyayazid pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

12. The main information of the text is about....a. why a manager prefers to set up his own business
b. how large companies treat their managers
c. when a manager wants to retire from the company
d. what kind of new ideas a manager gives to his company
e. why a manager thinks it is important to criticize the company
Answer : ( )

13. Many managers like to become an entrepreneur because....
a. they will no longer obey the company rules
b they get frustrated of being criticized
c. their new ideas are rejected by their superiors
d. they Have been managers for thirty years
e they dislike their colleagues and bosses
Answer :

14. We may conclude that a manager who becomes a entrepreneur is a person who...
a. wants to have a large income
b. likes to climb high mountains:
c. does not need any support from others
d. dares to take the risk of failure
e always makes changes to the environment
15. An entrepreneur is expected to be all of the following, except..
a. motivated
b. confident
c. determined
d. ambitious
e. hesitant
Answer : ( )
16. "Only to hear nothing in paragraph 1 means to be
a silenced
b. ignored
c. isolated
d. distributed
Answer: ( )
17. The word 'determination in the last paragraph means....
a strong feeling
b. sense of belonging
e. strength of mind
d. stability
e. constant mention

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



12. E (maaf kalo slh karena aku ga keliatan teks nya






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Last Update: Thu, 09 Mar 23