ANNOUNCEMENT To. All Marketing Manager There will be a meeting this

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sandisuksena952 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

ANNOUNCEMENTTo. All Marketing Manager

There will be a meeting this afternoon March 25 ͭ ͪ , 2021 on the Mezanin floor At 01.30 pm .
The meeting will be discuss the Covid 19 of Corona
Please bring the documents needed.

Thank you,

Secretary Director

6. What will be discussed in the meeting ?
A. The customer’s order
B. The Covid 19 of Corona
C. The Human Recources Development
D. The Job Descriptions
E. The Standard Oeperation Procedure
7. Who will attend the meeting ?
A. All worker and management
B. Staffs and General Manager
C. Director , Secretary and all Marketing Managers
D. The Customer Service
E. All Marketing Managers
8. When the meeting will be held ?
A. On March 25 ͭ ͪ , 2021
B. At 01.30 pm
C. In the Afternoon
D. On the Mezanin floor
E. On the end of the month
9. Where is the meeting will be held ?
A. On March 25 ͭ ͪ , 2021
B. At 01.30 pm
C. In the Afternoon
D. On the Mezanin floor

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maaf kalau salah ;)

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Last Update: Fri, 10 Mar 23