Task 1 Complete the following dialogue with the words in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari elmadamayanti44 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Task 1 Complete the following dialogue with the words in the box! Saka What are you (1)................? Awan Oh, it's (2)..... program at Arial Radio. Saka What is the news about? Awan Listen! It is about Indonesian (3) .............lifter Eko Yulianto Irawan that got gold medals in (4)................ ***** Saka: Really? Wow, that was amazing, Indonesia got another gold (5) ................ now. Awan It's said that Eko (6)................ 311 kilograms in total, he (7). lifted, 141 kilograms in the snatch and 170 kilograms in the clean-and-jerk. He was 12 kilograms (8).. Vietnamese Trinh Van Vinh. Uzbekistan's Adkhamjon Ergashev was third. Saka Amazing, then what else? Awan: It says, as of Tuesday afternoon, Indonesia was fourth in the medal tally with five gold, two (9)........ and five bronzes. Saka: I hope Indonesia get (10) ................ gold medals so we can win this Asian Games. Awan Yes, I hope so. news medals young silvers listening another weightlifting managedTask (2) Answer the questions based on the dialogue in task 11 1. What is the news about? 2. Which radio station broadcasts the news? 3. Who are listening to radio news program? 4. How much lifting that Eko managed to do? 5. What is Indonesia's rating at the 2018 Asian Games?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Saka: What are you (1) listening to?

Awan: Oh, it's (2) a program at Arial Radio.

Saka: What is the news about?

Awan: Listen! It is about Indonesian (3) weightlifter Eko Yulianto Irawan that got gold medals in (4) weightlifting.

Saka: Really? Wow, that was amazing, Indonesia got another gold (5) medal now.

Awan: It's said that Eko (6) managed to lift 311 kilograms in total, he (7) lifted 141 kilograms in the snatch and 170 kilograms in the clean-and-jerk. He was 12 kilograms (8) ahead of Vietnamese Trinh Van Vinh. Uzbekistan's Adkhamjon Ergashev was third.

Saka: Amazing, then what else?

Awan: It says, as of Tuesday afternoon, Indonesia was fourth in the medal tally with five gold, two (9) silvers, and five bronzes.

Saka: I hope Indonesia get (10) another gold medals so we can win this Asian Games.
Awan: Yes, I hope so.


1. The news is about Indonesian weightlifter Eko Yulianto Irawan winning gold medals at the 2018 Asian Games.

2. The news is broadcasted at Arial Radio.

3. Saka and Awan are listening to the radio news program.

4. Eko managed to lift 311 kilograms in total, 141 kilograms in the snatch, and 170 kilograms in the clean-and-jerk.

5. As of Tuesday afternoon, Indonesia was fourth in the medal tally with five gold, two silvers, and five bronzes.

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Last Update: Fri, 02 Jun 23