1. Make a paragraph to state re-orientation of narrative text!2.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari JS987 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Make a paragraph to state re-orientation of narrative text!2. Make a short dialogue to express embarassment!

3. Make a short dialogue to express dissatisfaction!

4. Make a short dialogue to express asking and giving opinion!

5. Write a short advertisement!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Re-orientation: Rara Jonggrang is cursed by Bandung Bandawasa to be the 100th temple. Both Roro and Bandung did not get what they wanted before. A cheat and disavow will result in disaster, even anger, from someone who has been given a vow. And then, making a decision in anger is a risk. Last, act cruel will make everyone hates you and wish bad to you.

2. Dialogue to Express Embarassement

Nana: Did you write a love message to Anton? Someone found it in the dustbin.

Lhora: Really? Did he read it?

Nana: Yes, of course. The whole class has already read it. Glen posted the picture of it in our group chat.

Lhora: Oh, my God! Please tell me it never happened!

Nana: You must be very ashamed, but it's okay. Anton looks happy about it.

3. Dialogue to Express Dissatisfaction

Hana: Did you hear about the police's statement?

Rio: Yes, it is disappointing that they claimed they didn't wrong at all!

Hana: I do agree with you. What an awful press conference!

4. Dialogue to Express Asking and Giving Opinion

Jeremy: What do you think about going to the beach?

Ola: I think that's a bad idea, look at the sky! It's kind of rainy.

Jeremy: Okay

5. Advertisement

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And pick-up your things fastly

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  • Reorientation merupakan kalimat penutup dalam naratif text, yang menceritakan kondisi terakhir sang tokoh dalam cerita atau pesan moral dari cerita.
  • Embarassment berarti sesuatu yang memalukan. Untuk mengekspresikan hal tersebut bisa menggunakan:

1. What a shame!

2. How embarassing!

3. Shame on me

4. I was s ashamed

5. Tell me it never happened.

  • Dissatisfaction berarti ketidakpuasan atau kekecewaan terhadap sesuatu. Untuk mengekspresikan hal tersebut bisa menggunakan:

1. It is disappointing that...!

2. It is unacceptable

3. What an awful...

4. It's not as good as I thought...

  • Asking Opinion berarti menanyakan pendapat kepada orang lain, dengan cara:

1. What is your opinion?

2. What is your idea?

3. What do you think about...?

  • Giving Opinion berarti memberikan pendapat, dengan cara:

1. I think...

2. In my opinion...

3. As far as I am concerned...

  • Advertisement adalah iklan yang menarik pembaca untuk membeli atau menggunakan sesuatu.

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Last Update: Wed, 28 Dec 22