Put the following sentences into simple past tense. 1.She... (take)

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari oppomutia996 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Put the following sentences into simple past tense.1.She... (take) the stamps from my drawer yesterday morning, 2. They... (spend) the night at one of my friend's last night. 3. My secretary... (bring) all the books home last week. 4.A friend of mine... (get) a job here a month ago. My boss... (give) me a good dictionary for my birthday present. 6. They (use) this room to discuss their plans last night. 7. The man... (reserve) two double rooms last week. 8. Mr. Brown..... (return) from England last week. 9.MY Brother .....(apply) for a job last month and he accapted 10. They.... (finish) work at 5.50 yesterday afternoon.

Help me pless dong bantu jawab pagi ini soalnya lagi butuh​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. take = took

2. spend = spent

3. bring = Brought

4. get = got/gotten

5. give = gave

6. use = used

7. reserve = reserved

8. return = returned

9. apply = applied

10. finish = finished

note : sebelah kanan simple past tensenya ya kak

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Last Update: Wed, 08 Mar 23