CAMPING Some years ago, my friends and I climbed the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari altagamingyt pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

CAMPING Some years ago, my friends and I climbed the mountain which was not far from our home. We gathered in Diko’s home to prepare the food, utensil, tent and others. After all the climber members had gathered , we decided to start to go there at 5 p.m. Along the ascent, we told about funny story, sang and sometimes stopped our weakness. Around 6 , we stopped to give change everyone to do the maghrib pray. At 7 We continued climbing until 9 night. Finally we got the top of the mountain, we prepared to set the tent, for girl prepared the dinner. After finishing all, we went bed. Next day, we woke up earlier at 4 a.m, it meant to see the sun rise, we were so amazed to see it directly through the mountain. While enjoying the sun rise view, the girls prepared the breakfast and the boys made the out bond games for us. Around 8, we finished having breakfast and continued having games. There were moving stone game, blowing the balloon and “bakiak”. I followed all the games, it was so fun. The time showed 1 p.m, it was time to us to go back from the mountain. We tidied all and walk down the mountain. We felt so happy after climbing the mountain. Many experiences we got there, friendship and what a wonderful world. I hope can get there again next time although I will never know.ANALYZING

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Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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The text is written in the past tense. Adjectives used in the text include "amazed," "wonderful," "fun," and "happy." This is a great narrative that describes a memorable experience of camping with friends. It captures the anticipation of the journey, the beauty of the sunrise, and the joys of outdoor games. It is a vivid description of a joyful and fun experience that creates a sense of nostalgia.

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Last Update: Wed, 17 May 23