2 differenciate between report and procedure text? ​

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2 differenciate between report and procedure text? ​

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Report and procedure texts are two different types of text commonly found in academic and professional contexts. Here are the key differences between report and procedure text:

1. Purpose:

  • Report text is used to describe, analyze, and present information about a particular topic or event. It aims to provide readers with a clear understanding of what happened, what was discovered, and what can be learned from the experience.
  • Procedure text is used to give instructions on how to perform a task or accomplish a specific goal. It aims to guide readers through a step-by-step process to achieve a desired outcome.

2. Structure:

  • Report text typically consists of an introduction, background information, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. It follows a logical and sequential structure that builds on the information presented in each section.
  • Procedure text typically consists of an introduction, a list of materials needed, a step-by-step guide to performing the task, and a conclusion. It follows a chronological structure that outlines the specific order of steps needed to complete the task.

3. Language features:

  • Report text is usually written in past tense and uses objective and formal language. It often includes technical terms and data analysis to support the writer's arguments and conclusions.
  • Procedure text is usually written in imperative tense and uses simple and direct language. It often includes action verbs, time markers, and adverbs of sequence to guide readers through the process.

Overall, the main difference between report and procedure text is that report text is used to describe and analyze information while procedure text is used to give instructions on how to accomplish a task.


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Last Update: Sun, 04 Jun 23