Once upon a time there was a (1).... who named

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari amelia8405276 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Once upon a time there was a (1).... who named her only daughter Snow White because her skin was so fair and lovely. The queen died, and Snow White's father (2) ....... a new queen, who was (3) ......., vain and wicked. Every morning she would (4) ....... in front of the mirror and say, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the (5) ....... one of all?" The mirror always answered, "Thee, until one day it said that Snow White was the fairest one of all. The evil queen ordered one of her servants to take Snow White to the (6) ....... to have her killed. The servant, feeling sorry for Snow white, let her go and brought back a deer's heart to show the queen he had done the (7) ........ Snow White, alone and hungry in the forest, came across a little cottage with seven tiny beds. When the dwarves (8) ....... back from work they found Snow White and said she could (9) ....... with them if she cleaned and cooked. They all lived happily until one day when the mirror told the evil queen that Snow White was still alive and living with the dwarves. The evil queen disguised herself as a peddler and went to the cottage while the dwarves were at work. She gave Snow White a red apple which was (10)... *******. When Snow White took a bite of the apple, she fell down unconscious. The dwarves were very sad and built a glass coffin for her. One day a prince came by and saw how beautiful Snow White was, and (11) ....... down to give her a kiss. Snow White woke up, they married, had many children and they (12) ....... happily ever after.married

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  • queen
  • married
  • evil
  • stand
  • fairest
  • forest
  • deed
  • came
  • stay
  • poisoned
  • bent
  • lived



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Last Update: Fri, 30 Jun 23