2. Change the following sentences into Passive Voice forms!a. Maria

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari amfaqyou02 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

2. Change the following sentences into Passive Voice forms!a. Maria works in Singapore today.

b. They have ordered some cakes in this party.

c. We bought some fruits yesterday morning.

d. I am not watching TV now.

e. My Father has been teaching English since morning.

3. Change the following sentences into the real condition!

a. If they were here now, they would meet Mr. Bean.

b. If I did not buy this chocolate, my sister would be angry

c. If she opens this shop, we will buy some magazines.

d. If he had paid the ticket, he would have seen the film.

e. We would have slept all the night, if we had finished our homework.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Passive & Real Condition.


2. Change the following sentences into Passive Voice forms!

a. Maria works in Singapore today.

b. They have ordered some cakes in this party.

c. We bought some fruits yesterday morning.

d. I am not watching TV now.

e. My Father has been teaching English since morning.

3. Change the following sentences into the real condition!

a. If they were here now, they would meet Mr. Bean.

b. If I did not buy this chocolate, my sister would be angry

c. If she opens this shop, we will buy some magazines.

d. If he had paid the ticket, he would have seen the film.

e. We would have slept all the night, if we had finished our homework.


a. Singapore is being worked in by Maria today.

b. Some cakes have been ordered in this party by them.

c. Some fruits were bought yesterday morning by us.

d. TV is not being watched by me now.

e. English has been taught by my Father since morning.

Real condition:

a. If they are here now, they will meet Mr. Bean.

b. If I don't buy this chocolate, my sister will be angry.

c. If she opens this shop, we will buy some magazines.

d. If he had paid the ticket, he would have seen the film.

e. If we had finished our homework, we would have slept all night.

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Last Update: Thu, 17 Aug 23