•came out •chek •whole •packed up •rain •happened •camping •the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yyttaslp pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

•came out •chek •whole •packed up •rain •happened •camping •the worst Complete the dialogue with the word provided .Answer the quenstions afterwards!Erin : Hi,dad.I'm home.
Dad : How was (1)......?
Erin : Terrible!
Dad : Why? What (2).....?
Erin : Well, as soon as we got there, it started to (3).....
Dad : That's no good.
Erin : Yeah, and it kept raining the (4)...... time we were there.
Erin : That's too bad! And to make matter's worse, the moment we (5)...... our tent the sun (6)......
Dad : Murphy's Law strikes again!
Erin : That was (7)..... camping trip ever!
Dad : well,the next time you go camping,(8)...... the weather forecast first Questions:
1. Where was the daughter then?
2. When did the rain start to fall?
3. How long did it rain?
4. When did the rain stop?.....
5.What suggestion did father give the daughter for the next time?......
6. Do you know what Murphy's Law is? Write it down!.....

plis bantuuu​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



Erin : Hi,dad.I'm home.

Dad : How was (1) camping ?

Erin : Terrible!

Dad : Why? What (2) happened ?

Erin : Well, as soon as we got there, it started to (3) rain

Dad : That's no good.

Erin : Yeah, and it kept raining the (4) whole time we were there.

Erin : That's too bad! And to make matter's worse, the moment we (5) packed up our tent the sun (6) came out.

Dad : Murphy's Law strikes again!

Erin : That was (7) the worst camping trip ever!

Dad : well,the next time you go camping,(8) check the weather forecast first Questions:

1. Where was the daughter then?

The daughter was camping then.

2. When did the rain start to fall?

The rain started to fall as soon as they got there.

3. How long did it rain?

It kept raining the whole time they were there.

4. When did the rain stop?

The rain stopped the moment they packed up their tent.

5.What suggestion did father give the daughter for the next time?

Father suggested his daughter check the weather forecast first next time.

6. Do you know what Murphy's Law is? Write it down!

Yes, I know what Murphy's law is. It says:

"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."

The story above has a connection with Murphy's law because everything went wrong at the beginning and it was the worst camping trip ever for her.


Jawaban dicetak tebal.

1. camping karena Ayahnya ingin tahu cerita tentang perjalanan berkemah putrinya

2. happened karena Ayahnya bertanya apa yang terjadi kepada putrinya

3. rain karena mulai hujan saat putrinya tiba di tempat berkemah

4. whole karena proses hujan terjadi sepanjang waktu mereka di tempat berkemah

5. packed up karena saat mereka mulai menurunkan dan merapikan tenda karena mau pulang

6. came out karena mentari pun bersinar kembali saat mereka sudah berkemas

7. the worst karena menurut putrinya itu adalah pengalaman berkemahnya yang paling buruk

8. check karena Ayahnya menyarankan putrinya untuk memeriksa ramalan cuaca terlebih dahulu sebelum pergi berkemah lain kali


1. Di mana putrinya saat itu?

Putrinya sedang berkemah saat itu.

2. Kapan hujan mulai turun?

Hujan mulai turun begitu mereka sampai di sana.

3. Berapa lama hujan turun?

Hujan terus mengguyur sepanjang waktu mereka berada di sana.

4. Kapan hujan berhenti?

Hujan berhenti begitu mereka mengemasi tenda mereka.

5. Saran apa yang ayah berikan kepada putrinya untuk selanjutnya?

Ayah menyarankan putrinya memeriksa ramalan cuaca dulu lain kali.

6. Tahukah kamu apa itu Hukum Murphy? Tuliskan!

Ya, aku tahu apa itu hukum Murphy. Hukum tersebut mengatakan:

"Apa pun yang bisa salah akan salah."

Cerita di atas ada hubungannya dengan hukum Murphy karena semuanya salah pada awalnya dan itu adalah perjalanan berkemah terburuk baginya (bagi Erin).

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Sun, 25 Dec 22