1. This is Sam. I go to school with _____.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari riskonir06 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. This is Sam. I go to school with _____. 2. Why are you looking at _____? Is there anything on my face? 3. Sarah has a good habit. _____ goes to bed at nine o'clock. 4. This is Tom's trumpet. ____ _ plays it every day. 5. These are my hamsters. Do you like _____? 6. My new neighbors are very friendly. I really like _______________. 7. I need to find my book. Where did you put _______________? 8. I am busy right now. Could you please call _______________ after an hour? 9. He gave me the box, but _______________ lost it. 10.I almost never eat junk food because _______________ isn’t healthy. 11.My sister isn’t here. _______________ is at work. 12.Dinosaurs were very large, but _______________ all died millions of years ago. 13.Could you please help _______________? I have a problem. 14.My friend and I have money. _______________ can go shopping. 15.Robert and Mark are late. _______________ should hurry.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. him

2. me

3. she

4. he

5. them

6. them

7. it

8. me

9. I

10. it

11. she

12. they

13. me

14. we

15. they




aku, sp = I, op = me

dia (laki-laki), sp= he, op = him

dia (perempuan), sp = she, op = her

kamu, sp = you op = you

hewan/tumbuhan/benda (1), sp = it, op = it

hewan/tumbuhan/benda (>1), sp = they, op = them

mereka/ali&dono, sp = they, op = them

kami/doni&saya, sp = we, op = us

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Last Update: Fri, 09 Dec 22