Who applied for the position? Balai Raya Street No. 78 East Jakarta August

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Who applied for the position?Balai Raya Street No. 78
East Jakarta
August 27th, 2019

Ms. Gina Siregar
Director of Administration
Navaro Inc.
Edelweiss Street No. 27

Dear Ms. Siregar,
Your advertisement in the August 15th issue of the Daily Newspaper was attractive because I believe I have the proven skills you require for the administrative assistant position.
My name is Vina Utami and I am 23 years old. I recently completed a six months on the Sahabat Computer System. The specialization skills I learned have proven valuable in my work for the past eight months as an assistant to the chief accountant at The Galaxy Building. Since proven skills are best explained in person I would appreciate an interview with you. Please phone me in the afternoon between 2 and 5 p.m. at (021) 4711756 to let me know the day and time most convenient for you.

Vina Utami

a. Chief accounting
b. Director of administration
c. Receptionist
d. Vina Utami
e. Ms. Gina Siregar

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban: Vina Utami


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Last Update: Wed, 01 Mar 23