simple present tense, passive voice, technical terms. action verb

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simple present tense, passive voice, technical terms. action verb yang mana? tolong bantu cariin, ini teks explanation​
simple present tense, passive voice, technical terms. action verb yang mana? tolong bantu cariin, ini teks explanation​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Simple present tense: "The fan is an electronic device that everybody use it in their house", "People use the fan to make the air in the room cooler", "An electric fan has an electric motor", "the motor spins", "the fan blades rotate", "each blade is angled a bit", "the inclined plane of the blade moves through the air", "it forces the air ahead of it forward", "Each blade does this on a continuous basis", "the fan is taking air from the area behind itself and blowing it out the front", "The fan generates a movement of air", "causing the warm dense air to descend", "the cool dense air to rise".

Passive voice: "The air in the room cooler is made", "the air ahead of it is forced forward".

Technical terms: "electric motor", "fan blades", "rotating shaft", "inclined plane".

Action verbs: "use", "make", "know", "has", "spins", "rotate", "angled", "moves", "forces", "does", "generates", "causing", "descend", "rise".

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Last Update: Sat, 29 Apr 23