Activity 2: Using There is and There are Complete the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mega64460 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Activity 2: Using There is and There areComplete the following sentences with there is or there are!
1. ........a bar of soap on the floor.
2. .........any sugar in my tea.
3. .........many boxes in the storage room 4. ........too many books in the rack
5. ........some fish in the pond
6. ........several chairs in that room
7. .........a lunch box in my bag
8. ........a new carpet on the floor
9. ........a bicycle behind the fence
10. .......a lot of snow on the road

bantu jwb pertanyaan ini kak besok pagi dikumpulkan kak plisssssssssss​
Activity 2: Using There is and There are Complete the following sentences with there is or there are! 1. ........a bar of soap on the floor.2. .........any sugar in my tea. 3. .........many boxes in the storage room 4. ........too many books in the rack5. ........some fish in the pond6. ........several chairs in that room 7. .........a lunch box in my bag 8. ........a new carpet on the floor9. ........a bicycle behind the fence10. .......a lot of snow on the roadbantu jwb pertanyaan ini kak besok pagi dikumpulkan kak plisssssssssss​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Complete the following sentences with there is or there are!

1. There is a bar of soap on the floor.

2. There is any sugar in my tea.

3. There are many boxes in the storage room

4.There are too many books in the rack

5. There are some fish in the pond

6. There are several chairs in that room

7. There is a lunch box in my bag

8. There is a new carpet on the floor

9. .There is a bicycle behind the fence

10. There is a lot of snow on the road


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Last Update: Thu, 02 Mar 23