2 CAUSE AND EFFECT Test II. Match column A(effect) to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari djdalmanrobles pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

2 CAUSE AND EFFECT Test II. Match column A(effect) to column B(cause). Write the letter of your answer on the space provide Column A (Effect) Column B (Cause) Increase in A Mental health issues crime rates and stigma Increase in pollution B Political instability and corruption Increase in suicide C Changes in social 3 rates norms and values Racial, religious, or cultural intolerance 4 Increase in obesity D rates Increase in hate E Economic policies crimes and globalization Increase in income F Economic instability inequality and poverty Increase in G Social and economic cyberbullying pressures H Easy access to Decrease in the standard of living technology and lack of online etiquette Increase in drug Poor nutrition and 9 sedentary lifestyle Industrialization and abuse 10 Increase in divorce urbanization rates​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Column A (Effect) Column B (Cause)

Increase in mental health issues, crime rates, and stigma - Racial, religious, or cultural intolerance

Increase in pollution - Industrialization and urbanization rates

Increase in suicide - Changes in social norms and values

Increase in obesity rates - Poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyle

Increase in hate crimes and globalization - Economic policies

Increase in economic instability, inequality, and poverty - Political instability and corruption

Increase in cyberbullying - Social and economic pressures

Decrease in the standard of living - Easy access to technology and lack of online etiquette

Increase in drug abuse - Economic policies

Increase in divorce rates - Changes in social norms and values

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Last Update: Sun, 30 Jul 23