Circle C if the sentence is correct and I if

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari husnafauziyah7 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Circle C if the sentence is correct and I if is incorrect. Then, correct the incorrect ones and write them in the spaces provided.1. (C-I); They didn't spend much money in the mall.
2. (C-I); Susi drinks much tea.
3. (C-I); He does not see a lot of people in this place.
4. (C-I); She didn't buy any flowers this morning.
5. (C-I); Do you drink some milk every day?
6. (C-I); He is a bad boy so he has only a few friends.
7. (C-I); This room is so clean. I don't see a lot of trash.
8. (C-I); Pass me some paper to print this project.
9. (C-I); I am very busy. I have many assignments today.
10. (C-I); There is only a few rice left in the container. ​
Circle C if the sentence is correct and I if is incorrect. Then, correct the incorrect ones and write them in the spaces provided. 1. (C-I); They didn't spend much money in the mall. 2. (C-I); Susi drinks much tea. 3. (C-I); He does not see a lot of people in this place. 4. (C-I); She didn't buy any flowers this morning. 5. (C-I); Do you drink some milk every day?6. (C-I); He is a bad boy so he has only a few friends. 7. (C-I); This room is so clean. I don't see a lot of trash. 8. (C-I); Pass me some paper to print this project. 9. (C-I); I am very busy. I have many assignments today. 10. (C-I); There is only a few rice left in the container. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.) C; They didn't spend much money in the mall.

2.) I; Susi drinks a lot of tea.

Susi drinks much tea. --> Susi drinks a lot of tea.

3.) C; He does not see a lot of people in this place.

4.)C; She didn't buy any flowers this morning.

5.) I; Do you drink some milk every day?

Do you drink some milk every day? --> Do you drink any milk every day?

6.) I; He is a bad boy so he has only a few friends.

He is a bad boy so he has only a few friends. --> He is a bad boy so he has only a couple of friends.

7.) C; This room is so clean. I don't see a lot of trash.

8.) C; Pass me some paper to print this project.

9.) C; I am very busy. I have many assignments today.

10.) I; There is only a few rice left in the container.

There is only a few rice left in the container. --> There are only a few grains of rice left in the container.


  • 2.), "much" harus diganti menjadi "a lot of" karena "much" biasanya digunakan untuk kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun), seperti air, kopi, dan teh. Sementara "a lot of" biasanya digunakan untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable noun), seperti kue, apel, dan teh. Oleh karena itu, pernyataan yang benar adalah "Susi drinks a lot of tea."
  • 5.) "some" harus diganti menjadi "any" karena "some" digunakan untuk menunjukkan sejumlah yang tidak pasti atau untuk membuat tawaran atau permintaan yang sopan. Sementara itu, "any" digunakan untuk menunjukkan tidak adanya atau keberadaan yang sangat terbatas dari suatu benda. Oleh karena itu, pernyataan yang benar adalah "Do you drink any milk every day?"
  • 6.) "few" harus diganti menjadi "couple" karena "few" mengindikasikan jumlah yang sedikit atau tidak mencukupi, sedangkan "couple" mengindikasikan jumlah dua. Oleh karena itu, pernyataan yang benar adalah "He is a bad boy so he has only a couple of friends."
  • 10.) "few" harus diganti menjadi "a few grains of" karena beras merupakan kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable noun) sehingga memerlukan kata benda penunjuk jumlah seperti "a few grains of". Oleh karena itu, pernyataan yang benar adalah "There are only a few grains of rice left in the container."

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Last Update: Tue, 20 Jun 23