Comment the following situations with if to express regret in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aminwafa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Comment the following situations with if to express regret in thenpast. Example I didn't study English seriously. I could not speak English well. If I had studied English seriously, I would have spoken English well. 1. I didn't enjoy the party, so I left early. 2. The man got an accident because he drove carelessly. 3. The huge hotel didn't burn down because the firebrigade came immediately 4. They came late so they missed the first train. 5. Your father understood all the problems because I spoke to him. 6. She didn't pass the exam because she didn't study well. 7. John wake up late because he worked hard until midnight........tolong di bantu ya kak​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. If I had enjoyed the party, I wouldn't have left early.
  2. If the man hadn't driven carelessly, he wouldn't have had an accident.
  3. If the fire brigade hadn't come immediately, the huge hotel would have burned down.
  4. If they hadn't come late, they wouldn't have missed the first train.
  5. If I had spoken to your father, he would have understood all the problems.
  6. If she had studied well, she would have passed the exam.
  7. If John hadn't worked hard until midnight, he wouldn't have woken up late.

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Last Update: Wed, 17 May 23