C. Use can or can not (can't), will or will

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari felisgtps pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

C. Use can or can not (can't), will or will not (won't) to complete the following sentences. 6. She is amazing, she.... Several languages. 7.1.... lift this box, it's too heavy I Would you help me ? 8. I ... wait you in front of School office at half past seven O'clock TOMORROW morning, Don't be late. 9. She is so busy. She.... Help you tomorrow. 10. I... Speak English well, but I... Speak French well. D. Complete the dialogs using the phrases given below! Charly: I'm very well,......... what about you? Oh, by the way, I heard that you won the English speech competition last week. Joko:......... Charly: Thank you. 11. Joko: Hi I How are you? Joko.: Charly: Yes, I did. (. Thats amazing . Thanks. . I am fine. ) 12. Create a short dialogs based on this situation below !!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


C. Use can or can not (can't), will or will not (won't) to complete the following sentences

6. She is amazing, she can speak several languages.
7. I can't lift this box, it's too heavy, would you help me?

8. I will wait you infront of School office at half past seven O'clock TOMORROW morning, Don't be late.

9. She is so busy. She can't Help you tomorrow.

10. I can't Speak English well, but I can Speak French well.

// Yang bagian D kurang opsi dialognya

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Last Update: Sat, 18 Mar 23