Exercise: A. Please write down the subject of these sentences.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari miaagins16 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Exercise: A. Please write down the subject of these sentences. 1. We are going to the movies this weekend. 2. A blue car is parked on my neighbour's garage. 3. The lazy will never be succesful if they don't change. 4. It is a beautiful day today. 5. There are many dresses you can choose in that store. B. Please write down the object of these sentences. 1. We all knew that it would happen evntually. 2. My boss decided to hold regular meetings every Saturday. 3. We surprised her. 4. I gave you an English novel. 5. My father showed me some photos. C. Please write down the complement of these sentences. 1. They elected Mr Jhonson a mayor. 2. I met Susan at the department store. 3. The baby is laughing today. 4. He was late yesterday. 5. Those men are handsome.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Here are the answers to your exercise:

A. Subject:

  1. We
  2. A blue car
  3. The lazy
  4. It
  5. There

B. Object:

  1. that it would happen eventually
  2. to hold regular meetings every Saturday
  3. her
  4. you an English novel
  5. me some photos

C. Complement:

  1. Mr Jhonson a mayor
  2. Susan at the department store
  3. the baby laughing today
  4. He late yesterday
  5. Those men handsome

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Last Update: Mon, 20 Mar 23