00 Scan the QR Code for listening. My name is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari santosorohmat25 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

00 Scan the QR Code for listening. My name is Tari and this is my house. I would like to tell about the rooms in my house. There is a living room. It's large and clean. It's (1)... the garage. There is a storeroom (2) the garage. The storeroom is for keeping things while they are not being used. (3) ... it, there is a kitchen. My mother always cooks in the kitchen. There are a lot of cooking tools, such as stoves, pans, frying pans, spatulas, and knives. There is a dining room (4)... of the kitchen. There are two bedrooms in the house. The bedrooms are used for sleeping. There is a bathroom (5)... the bedrooms. There is a bathtub in the bathroom. Bahasa Inggris 4-1 21​

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Last Update: Mon, 16 Jan 23