generic structure fairy tale ​

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Generic structure fairy tale ​

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Here is the generic structure of a fairy tale:

1. Opening

The story usually begins with an introduction to the setting and characters, often including phrases like "Once upon a time" or "Long, long ago." The opening sets the stage for the story to come.

2. Complication

In this section, the protagonist encounters a problem or challenge that they must overcome. This is where the conflict of the story arises, and the protagonist faces obstacles to achieving their goals.

3. Rising Action

As the protagonist begins to tackle their challenge, they encounter various obstacles and setbacks. This section of the story builds tension and suspense as the protagonist works to overcome these difficulties.

4. Climax

This is the turning point of the story, where the protagonist faces their greatest challenge and must make a crucial decision. The climax is often the most intense and exciting part of the story.

5. Falling Action

After the climax, the story begins to wind down and the protagonist works to resolve the remaining conflicts and tie up loose ends. This section often involves the protagonist reflecting on what they have learned or gained from their experiences.

6. Resolution

The resolution is where the story comes to a satisfying conclusion. The protagonist achieves their goals and the conflicts are resolved. This section often includes a moral lesson or message for the reader to take away from the story.

7. Closing

The story concludes with a closing statement that wraps up the story and often includes a message or reflection on the events that have transpired. This is where the narrator often says "and they lived happily ever after."

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Last Update: Sat, 12 Aug 23