Put the verb in brackets into the passive form. Example:

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yaiya12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Put the verb in brackets into the passive form. Example: People (build)... this building in 2009. This building was built (by people) in 2009.1.Pempek Sumatra (make) ... of fish and tapioca starch.
2.The new highway (complete)... sometime next month
3. Fish and meat must (keep)... in the refrigerator.
4. Language skills (teach)... in every school in the country.
5. Jazz music (perform)...at the New Year concert last night.
6. The World Cup soccer games (broadcast)... all over the world right now.
7.The trees (cut) down for timber.
8 Look! The bottle is empty now. It (drink)... by your little brother.
9.The trash must (throw) into the dustbin.
10. The pieces of kerupuk (dry)... under the sun until they are completely dry and hard.
11. The grass in our school field (cut)... once a month..
12. Fish and meat must (keep)... in the refrigerator.
13. Several important people (invite)... to his party next month.
14. Most of the cars (import)... from Japan.
15. Many houses (hit). by the storm last week.
16. The flowers (water)... by my sister right now.
17. Look the bottle is empty now. It (drink)... by your little brother.
18. The floor of classroom (sweep)... daily
into the​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. is made

2. will be completed

3. be kept

4. are taught

5. was performed

6.oo ya

7.are cut

8. is drunk

9. be thrown

10. are dried

11. is cut

12. be kept

13. will be invited

14.are imported

15. was hit

16. are being watered

17. is drunk

18. is swept

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Last Update: Wed, 03 May 23