dialogue for 11-15 Bagas: Oh.Arum?Arum Yeah? Bagas: What do you

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari esmitanjung12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Dialogue for 11-15Bagas: Oh.Arum?
Arum Yeah?
Bagas: What do you think about cycling? Arum :I think that cycling is good for the body. Besides we sweat, we can have fun.
Bagas: I think so. What about riding a bike at five o'clock tomorrow morning? Arum :I'm afraid I can't. I have to help my mother do housework.
Bagas: You can do it after cycling.
Arum: It's impossible. Before leaving, the floor in every room must be clean. Do you know what I mean?
Bagas: Yes.
Arum: What if we cycle at six o'clock? Bagas: Okay.

11.from the underlined phrase,we know that Bagas..
a.gets arum's attention
b.gibes Arum attention
c.agrees with arum's opinion
d disagrees with arum's opinion

12.what does Arum say to give Bagas her attention?
a.i think so
c.it's impossible

13.what does Arum think about cycling?
a.it makes every room in the house clean
b.she thinks she Cannot do it.
c.it can help her mother do house work.
d.it is good for body

14.what does the italic phrase imply?
a.bagas checks arum's understanding
b.arum checks bagas's understanding
c.bagas understands what Arum means
d.arum understands what Bagas means

15.from the dialogue,we can conclude that Bagas and Arum are going to ride their bike at.....o'clock tomorrow morning

mohon dijawab ya kakak"

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


11. kata garis bawahnya yang mana ya..

12. B. Yeah?

13. D. It is good for body

14. kata huruf miringnya juga yang mana..

15. B. Six

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Last Update: Sat, 03 Dec 22