1) What type of animal is the elephant?2) Name three

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari raramaharani224 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1) What type of animal is the elephant?2) Name three different foods that the elephant likes to eat.

3) How many hours does an elephant spend eating?

4) What does the elephant use their trunk for?

5) How does an elephant find the location of friends, enemies or food sources?

6) What are tusks used for?

7) An elephant can swim well but what can't it do?

8) On a hot day, how does an elephant cool itself?

9) What are elephants made famous for?

10) When does an elephant trumpet?​
1) What type of animal is the elephant?2) Name three different foods that the elephant likes to eat.3) How many hours does an elephant spend eating?4) What does the elephant use their trunk for?5) How does an elephant find the location of friends, enemies or food sources?6) What are tusks used for?7) An elephant can swim well but what can't it do?8) On a hot day, how does an elephant cool itself?9) What are elephants made famous for?10) When does an elephant trumpet?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Here are the answers for the questions above, which are taken from the text:


  1. mammals
  2. leaves, barks and fruits
  3. 16 hours
  4. for drinking and bathing
  5. by raising the trunks up in the air and moving one side to another
  6. They are used for digging for water and roots, moving the trees for clearing the path, debarking trees
  7. they can't jump, trot or gallop
  8. they flap their ears to create breeze.
  9. their trumpet calls
  10. when they blow through nostrils

Materi lebih lanjut tentang animal description dapat disimak pada link berikut ini



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Last Update: Tue, 06 Jul 21