SupermoonSupermoon is when the moon appears large and this happens

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari raffaramadhan486 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

SupermoonSupermoon is when the moon appears large and this happens when the moon comes closer to Earth than normal, and this
happens during full moon or new moon. Each month, the moon's distance varies between 354,000 km (20000 miles) and 410,000
km (254,000 miles) due to the elliptical orbit of the moon around Earth.
An "Extreme Supermoon" is when the moon has the closest approach to the Earth during its orbit. On 19 March 2011, the
moon will have its closest approach since 19 January 1992. The distance between the Earth and the Moon will be just 356,577 km
(221,567 miles) on 19 March 2011. There has been speculations that this could cause natural disasters and some has even linked it
with the Earthquake and Tsunami of Sendai, Japan on 11 March 2011. But, it has been clarified that the small change in the
distance will not cause any huge changes in Earth

13. When is the Supermoon happen?
A. During full moon or new moon due to the elliptical orbit
B. When the moon appears large and cames closer to Earth than normal
C. When the moon has the closest approach to the Earth
D. When the moon appears large and the moon cames closer to Earth than normal and during happen in the full moon or new

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


D. When the moon appears large and the moon cames closer to Earth than normal and during happen in the full moon or new


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Last Update: Wed, 07 Jul 21