12. Zebras .... stripes on their bodiesa. Have c. Hasb. Had d. Having13. Andi .... his

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari vadilbayan pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

12. Zebras .... stripes on their bodiesa. Have c. Has

b. Had d. Having

13. Andi .... his uniform every Sunday

a. Washes c. Washing

b. Wash d. Washed

14. ...... they meet the teacher in the school?

a. Does c. Is

b. Do d. Are

15. Dewi always helps her friend to solve the problem

The correct translate is ....

a. Dewi menolong temannya menyelesaikan masalah

b. Dewi sedang menolong temannya menyelesaikan masalah

c. Dewi selalu menolong temennya menyelesaikan masalah

d. Dewi sudah menolong temannya menyelesaikan masalah

16. Ani :What are you doing ana?

Ana : i am .... a novel

a. Read c. Readed

b. Reads d. Reading

17. .... tony studying english now?

a. Is c. Do

b. Are d. Does

18. My sister is ... a better job

a. Looking for c. Looks for

b. Looked for d. Look for

19. Please be quit the children ....

a. Is sleeping c. Do sleeping

b. Are sleeping d. Has sleeping

Read the text carefully!

Today ahmad is ....(20) uncle Sam. He loves uncle Sam. At this moment, he .... (21)sitting beside his ucle Sam. He is .....(22) he loves his uncle stories.

Anne and Sue are ucle Sam’s children. At the moment they ... (23)helping their mother in the kitchen. They are ... (24) fried rice for us.

20. a. Visit c. visits

b. visited d. visiting

21. a. Are c. Is

b. am d. Did

22. a. Smile c. Smiles

c. smilling d. Smilled

23. a. Am c. Is

c. are d. Do

24. a. cook c. Cooked

c. cooks d. Cooking

25. hurry up! We’re ... for you

a. wait c. Waited

b. waits d. Waiting

26. X : when is ahmad coming to your home?

Y : he is coming to my home ....

a. This night c. Last nigt

b. Tonight d. Every night

27. Ayahku sedang bermain tenis saat ini

The correct translate is .....

a. My father playing tennis at present

b. My father are playing tennis at the moment

c. My father is playing tennis at the moment

d. My father are playing tennis at present

28. Linda : are you seeing my wallet?

Lucia : no, .....................

a. I am not c. she is not

b. They are not d. You are not

29. Mr. Arman – his – are – going – wife – tomorrow- bali – to – and

The correct arrangement is ......

a. Tomorrow Mr. Arman are going to bali and his wife

b. Mr. Arman and his wife are going to bali tomorrow

c. His wife and Mr armad going are to bali tomorrow

d. Mr. Arman and his wife going to bali are tomorrow

30. Yudi : is lia ... me?

Yuna : yes .....

a. Lia is calling you c. Lia are calling you

b. Lia is calling me d. Lia are calling you

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


12 = c

13 = a

14 = b

15 = c

16 = d

17 = a

18 = a

19 = b

Sampai nomor 19 saja hehe

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh Kayyraa dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke www.yomemimo.com melalui halaman Contact

Last Update: Mon, 14 Jun 21