1. Messi : my mom bought chocolate at Bandung yesterday

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari elsa5194 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Messi : my mom bought chocolate at Bandung yesterday and this is for youNadya : ...............
Messi : You are welcome

2. Please write your experience about this long holiday. At last in five sentences !

3. Please write a procedure text "how to make sandwich" .

4. make the sentence use "past continouse tense" !

5. Make the sentence use "Future continouse tense" !

6. Please mention!
a. Five things of countable noun
b. Five things uncountable noun


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Nadya: Waw, thank you so much for you and your mother.

2. During the long holiday yesterday, I spent almost all of my vacation time at home. I have learned many things. I learned to cook with my mother. Besides that, I accompanied my little brother to play. Take a walk with my father around the park near the house. I also learned new things namely making crafts from used goods at home.

3. procedure text "how to make sandwich"


1. two slice of bread,

2. cheddar cheese,

3. chilli sauce,

4. beef sausage that has been be cut,

5. fried egg,

6. tomato,

7. celery, and

8. cucumbar.


1. knife

2. plate


- First,place a slice of bread on the plate.

- Second,put the chilli sauce.

- Third,adds tomato, cheddar cheese, beef sausage, fried egg.

- After that,add chilli sauce.

- Then,put a slice of bread on the top, and cut into triangle shape.

- Garnish with cucumbar and celery ,Finally, serve it!

4. I was doing physically exercises all day yesterday.

5. I will be being stressed tomorrow during my science test.


a. Countable Nouns

- dog, cat, animal, man, person.

- bottle, box, litre.

- coin, note, dollar.

- cup, plate, fork.

- table, chair, suitcase, bag.

b. Uncountable Nouns

- music, art, love, happiness.

- advice, information, news.

- furniture, luggage.

- rice, sugar, butter, water.

- electricity, gas, power.


semoga bermanfaat, jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

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Last Update: Fri, 18 Jun 21