Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sheptianrafilia19 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs.Amir : Hey Hasan. I hear you played your first concert last night. How was it?
Hasan : It was OK. The audience ¹ liked (like) it, I think. But we 2...(have) some problems!
Amir : Really? What 3.... (happen)? Hasan : Well, as...14 (sing) the fourth song, all the lights suddenly 5.... (go) out!
Amir: Oh no! What 6.... you (do)? Hasan: The audience sat in the dark and I carried on singing! -
Amir: Wow! Well done that was pretty cool of you.
Hasan : Oh, that was nothing. As soon as the lights 7.... (come) back on, I realised my microphone8.... (not work)! So while the guys. (fix) the microphone, the band played on, and when was fixed | 10.... (start) singing again. No problem!
Amir: No problem? Well, I hope all your concerts aren't like that.
Hasan: Yeah - me too!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Amir : Hey Hasan. I hear you played your first concert last night. How was it?

Hasan : It was OK. The audience 1 liked it, I think. But we 2 had some problems!

Amir : Really? What 3 happened? Hasan : Well, as 14 sung the fourth song, all the lights suddenly 5 went out!

Amir: Oh no! What 6 did you do? Hasan: The audience sat in the dark and I carried on singing! -

Amir: Wow! Well done that was pretty cool of you.

Hasan : Oh, that was nothing. As soon as the lights 7 came back on, I realised my microphone was not working! So while the guys. fixed the microphone, the band played on, and when was fixed | 10 started singing again. No problem!

Amir: No problem? Well, I hope all your concerts aren't like that.

Hasan: Yeah - me too!

maaf kalau salah ^^

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Last Update: Wed, 31 Aug 22