1. Does anyone know____________having the debate? *5 poinwhere are the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adeliaaca99 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Does anyone know____________having the debate? *5 poin
where are the students
where the students are
the students are
that the students
2. Next to the house__________that was in the process of being restored. *
5 poin
which was an old car
was an old car
an old car as
were an old car
3. Hardly ever_______ on time for class. *
5 poin
do arrive my professor
my professor arrive
does my professor arrive
4. Mary doesn’t support the new policy, and ______. *
5 poin
neither the man
neither the man does
neither do the man
neither does the man
5. _____________the writing project, he would have passed the class. *
5 poin
Has he completed
Had he completed
If he completed
If he had completed
6. ____________say when you asked him to post-pone our chapter test? *
5 poin
What the professor
What did the professor
What the professor did
the professor
7. In the San Gabriel mountains ________, mountain lions, big horn sheep, and marmots. *
5 poin
is many bears
are many bears
was many bears
many bears aare
8. Not for all the money in the world _______________ take a chemistry class from Professor Lee. *
5 poin
would I ever
I would ever
would ever I
would ever
9. ______ my best friend said anything negatively about me behind my back. *
5 poin
Scarcely ever have
Scarcely ever has
has scarcely ever
Scarcely ever
10. Do the other people in your marketing department understand__________________ offer a better contract? *
5 poin
why didn’t the competitor
why cannot the competitor
why the competitor cannot
he competitor didn’t
11. Were ___ millions of dollars each year replenishing eroding beaches, the coastline would be changing even more rapidly. *
5 poin
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers not spending
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers not spend
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers does not spend
does not spend the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
12. New York City’s Central Park is nearly twice as large___ second smallest country, Monaco. *
5 poin
as is
as is the
is the
13. Located behind ___ the two lacrimal glands. *
5 poin
each eyelid
each eyelid are
each eyelid is
each eyelid which is
14. ___ test positive for antibiotics when tanker trucks arrive at a milk processing plant, according to federal law, the entire truckload must be discarded. *
5 poin
Should milk are
Should milk
Milk Should
Milk is
15. Only for a short period of time ___ run at top speed. *
5 poin
cheetahs do
does cheetahs
do cheetahs
16. In the backyard ______ that a father built out of love for his son Ronnie. *
5 poin
a treehouse was
a treehouse were
was a treehouse
were a treehouse
17. ____ any of my friends cheated on a test while they attended college class. *
5 poin
Never have
Have never
Never having
18. Out of the tunnel_____________as it went full steam down the railroad tracks. *
5 poin
roared a train
after which the train roared
the train roared
roaring the train roared
19. The results of the current experiment appear to be more consistent than _____ the results of any previous tests. *
5 poin
were they
they were
20. This candidate has received more votes _____ in the previous year. *
5 poin
than any other candidate
has any other candidate
than has any other candidate
have any other candidate

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. where are the students

2. was an old car

3. does my professor

4. neither does the man

5. if he had completed

6. What did the professor

7. (there) are many bears

8. would i ever

9. Scarely ever has

10. Why the competitor can't

11. the US Army Corps of Engineers not spending

12. as (the)

13. each eyelid are

14. Milk should

15. do cheetahs

16. was a tree house

17. Never Have

18. roared a train

19. were

20. than any other candidates


Semoga Membantu :)

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Last Update: Sat, 17 Jul 21