EXERCISE 28. Reflexive pronouns (Chart 6-13) pronouns. Directions: Complete the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aleesha10 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

EXERCISE 28. Reflexive pronouns (Chart 6-13) pronouns.Directions: Complete the sentences with reflexive. herself, himself, yourself, myself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

1. Are you okay, Heidi? Did you hurt _____.
2. David was really embarrassed when he had to go to the job interview with a bandage on his face, He had cut ____ while he was shaving.
3. Do you ever talk to ____? Most people talk to _____ sometimes
4. It is important for all of us to have confidence in our own abilities. We need to believe in _____
5. Sara is self-employed. She doesn't have a boss. She works for _____
6. Steve, who is on the wrestling team, withes _____ before each match
7. There's plenty of food on the table. Would all of you please simply help _____ to the food?
8. Brian, don't blame _____ for the accident. It wasn't your fault. you did everything you could to avoid it
9. I couldn't believe my good luck! I had to pinch ____ sure I wasn't dreaming
10. A newborn puppy can't take care of ____
11. I know Nicole and Paud have had some bad luck, but it's time for them to stop feeling sorry for _____ and get on with their lives
12. Jane and I ran into someone she knew. I'd never met this person before. I waited for Jane to introduce me, but she forgot her manners. I finally introduced ____ to Jane's friend.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Are you okay, Heidi? Did you hurt yourself?

2. David was really embarrassed when he had to go to the job interview with a bandage on his face, He had cut himself while he was shaving.

3. Do you ever talk to yourself? Most people talk to themselves sometimes.

4. It is important for all of us to have confidence in our own abilities. We need to believe in ourselves.

5. Sara is self-employed. She doesn't have a boss. She works for herself.

6. Steve, who is on the wrestling team, withes himselfbefore each match

7. There's plenty of food on the table. Would all of you please simply help yourselves to the food?

8. Brian, don't blame yourself for the accident. It wasn't your fault. you did everything you could to avoid it

9. I couldn't believe my good luck! I had to pinch myself sure I wasn't dreaming

10. A newborn puppy can't take care of itself.

11. I know Nicole and Paud have had some bad luck, but it's time for them to stop feeling sorry for themselves and get on with their lives.

12. Jane and I ran into someone she knew. I'd never met this person before. I waited for Jane to introduce me, but she forgot her manners. I finally introduced myself to Jane's friend.


Reflexive Pronoun

Sebuah pronoun yang merujuk kembali kepada subjek dari sebuah kalimat atau klausa. Untuk menggunakannya, kita perlu memerhatikan subjek terdahulu.

I love myself. (Benar)

I love me. (Salah)

I merupakan subjek dan myself merupakan reflex pronoun-nya. Object pronoun tidak boleh sama dengan subjek jika tidak sesuai dengan teks-nya.

Myself: Diri

Yourself: Kamu

Yourselves: Kalian

Ourselves: Kita

Themselves: Mereka

Himself: Dia (laki-laki)

Herself: Dia (perempuan)

Itself: Itu (Subjek non-manusia/tak diketahui gender-nya)

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Last Update: Fri, 18 Nov 22