mengubah kalimat present tense menjadi kalimat past tense dalam

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari atikaputriazzahra21 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Mengubah kalimat present tense menjadi kalimat past tense dalam bentuk interrogative1.The teacher explains the formula seriously today
2.Those policemen hear the speech about this country in the Balai Hall
3.Children play football in the field happily
4.Sinta sings dangdut song in the television everynight
5.She avoids my sight in everytime in various situation
6.He hates me in his deepest heart
7.I admire her talent in playing badminton
8.Father reads newspaper in the veranda everyafternoon
9.They collect many coins from various country in the world
10.It eats carrot on the floor today

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Did the teacher explains the formula seriously today?

2. Did those policemen hear the speech about this country in the Balai Hall?

3. Did children play football in the field happily?

4. Did Sinta sing dangdut song in the television everynight?

5. Did She avoid my sight in everytime in various situation?

6. Did he hate me in his deepest heart?

7. Did I admire her talent in playing badminton?

8. Did father reads newspaper in the veranda everyafternoon?

9. Did they collect many coins from various country in the world?

10. Did it eat carrot on the floor today?


Affirmative past tense:

1. The teacher explained the formula seriously today.

2. Those policemen heard the speech about this country in the Balai Hall.

3. Children played football in the field happily.

4. Sinta sang dangdut song in the television everynight.

5. She avoided my sight in everytime in various situation.

6. He hated me in his deepest heart.

7. I admired her talent in playing badminton.

8. Father read newspaper in the veranda everyafternoon.

9. They collected many coins from various country in the world.

10. It ate carrot on the floor today.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai simple past tense pada


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Last Update: Tue, 22 Jun 21