Questions: 1. What is the social function of the text?

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Questions: 1. What is the social function of the text? 2. What are the structures of the text? 3. What are the language features of text? (please give example!) 4. What is the main idea of second paragraph? 5. What is the main idea of third paragraph? 6. What is the size of the smallest pigeon? 7. what is the size of the biggest pigeon? 8. What are the colors of pigeons? 9. What do pigeons look like? 10. What are the functions of pigeons for human?Pigeon Pigeon refers to all birds of the family Columbidae and order Columbiformes. They consist of 310 species. Some people may also know them as "Doves". There is no clear distinction between the use of the word "pigeons" and "doves" until today. But generally, the word "Pigeons" is used to address the species known as the Rock Dove, while the word "Doves" is used to address a pigeon that is white. Pigeons exhibit various size and color based on their species. The smallest species may have the size of 15 cm and weight 30 g, while the largest species can grow up to 75 cm with the body weight of 2 kg. Some of their color are: pale gray, white, brown, reddish and black. Most of them have two black bars on their wings. They have a small head with short beak. Their body is compact with two large and muscular wings and two short legs on it. Pigeons can be found almost in any region in the world. They have been domesticated since 10.000 years ago. they have been used by humans for several purposes such as courier to deliver short written messages, sacred symbols in a wedding ceremony, entertainment in a magic show and also as a racing birds. Some species are also edible and they are served as food in some places.​

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1.2+2.3+3.4+....+n (n+1)= n (n+1)(n+2)/3

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Last Update: Mon, 21 Nov 22