1.what is the text mainly about?2.identify the structure of the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mgibran548 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1.what is the text mainly about?2.identify the structure of the text
3.can the following text considered as biographical recount text? explain the reason with your own words
4. Then in 1870,bell moved to canada with his family (paragraph 1) Explain the meaning of sentence above by identifying the tenses and adverb of time
5. Later Alexander Graham bell moved to the usa and in 1872 he opened a school for training teachers of the hearing impaired people in boston. ( paragraf 2)
explain the meaning of the sentence above by identifying the tenses and adverb of time
6. what is the writer's purpose in writing the text?
7 what is the moral of the text ​
1.what is the text mainly about?2.identify the structure of the text3.can the following text considered as biographical recount text? explain the reason with your own words4. Then in 1870,bell moved to canada with his family (paragraph 1) Explain the meaning of sentence above by identifying the tenses and adverb of time5. Later Alexander Graham bell moved to the usa and in 1872 he opened a school for training teachers of the hearing impaired people in boston. ( paragraf 2)explain the meaning of the sentence above by identifying the tenses and adverb of time6. what is the writer's purpose in writing the text? 7 what is the moral of the text ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. tentang apakah teks itu terutama? 2. mengidentifikasi struktur teks 3. dapatkah teks berikut dianggap sebagai teks penghitungan ulang biografis? jelaskan alasannya dengan kata-kata Anda sendiri 4. Kemudian pada tahun 1870, bell pindah ke kanada bersama keluarganya (ayat 1) Jelaskan arti kalimat diatas dengan mengidentifikasi tenses dan keterangan waktu 5. Belakangan Alexander Graham bell pindah ke Amerika Serikat dan pada tahun 1872 ia membuka sekolah untuk melatih para guru bagi para tuna rungu di boston. (paragraf 2) menjelaskan arti kalimat di atas dengan mengidentifikasi tenses dan keterangan waktu 6. apa tujuan penulis menulis teks? 7 apa moral dari teks tersebut

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Jun 21