Choose and write the correct answer in the form wh-question

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kumis1219 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Choose and write the correct answer in the form wh-question !1. Alan has read a biography recently.

a. What Alan has read recently?

b. What has Alan read recently?

2. They have been to the grocery store.

a. Where have they been?

b. Where they have been?
3. Our computers have started shutting down randomly because of overheating.

a. Why our computers have started shutting down randomly?

b. Why have our computers started shutting down randomly?

4. We have found ten solutions so far.

a. How many solutions have we found so far?

b. How many have solutions we found so far?

5. They have rejected his visa application three times.

a. How many times have they rejected his visa application?

b. How many times they have rejected his visa application?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Pilih dan tulis jawaban yang benar di formulir pertanyaan-wh!

1. Alan membaca biografi baru-baru ini.

Sebuah. Apa yang Alan baca baru-baru ini?

b. Apa yang Alan baca baru-baru ini?

2. Mereka pernah ke toko grosir.

Sebuah. Kemana saja mereka

b. Kemana saja mereka?

3. Komputer kami sudah mulai mati secara acak karena terlalu panas.

Sebuah. Mengapa komputer kami mulai mati secara acak?

b. Mengapa komputer kami mulai mati secara acak?

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Last Update: Tue, 13 Jul 21