Tolong koreksi Grammar nya dong, Buat tugas sekolah This story

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Arkaaaa33 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolong koreksi Grammar nya dong, Buat tugas sekolahThis story is a social adaptation that often occurs around us to a myth called SANDEKALA. It started with a boy named Totok.

Totok is 12 years old and lives with his father who is located in one of the villages in West Java. At that time, he, along with his two friends, juki and fian, were playing hide-and-seek in the place where he used to play.

Initially, totok had been warned not to play for long because soon wayah surup (the time of sunset) would arrive.
However, totok didn't care about what his friends did say.

As a result, when it was Totok's turn to hide, he chose one of the empty houses that was located very far from the reach of his friends.
While shouting for totok's name, the two of them were unaware that maghrib time had arrived.
The fears of the two also emerged.

They also looked up at the sky, whose color had changed to mega red.
The two of them finally decided to go home. Juki and fian thought, that totok had already arrived home. However, a surprising thing happened.

At the totok house, pak juned (father of totok) is waiting for the presence of his son who has not yet arrived as well. Forced to, mr. juned also contacted his friends. He then asked one by one about the whereabouts of the totok.

But the two totok friends also don't know about the existence of totok.
The residents and villagers have also thought that totok was digondol (kidnapped) by sandekala who used to roam when maghrib time was about to come.

Mr. juned himself remained adamant that totok was just lost. Finally, the residents also helped pak juned. He reminded pak juned if totok was brought sandekala. The residents checked all over the place in the village.

Starting from gardens, rivers to forests which are said to be the place or headquarters of the sandekala itself.
Until finally, a way is done so that the body of the totok can be found. This method is usually done by the traditional elders of the village when one of the children is abducted by sandekala. They burned the chemnyan, hung black cemani chickens in the trees, and uttered a special sentence or mantra containing a plea for mercy and promised to watch over the children when the time of surup (sun sinking) would come.
After they were over, they also returned to their homes. Usually, the child is already at home. However, when mr. juned checked his entire house, the totok had not been returned to the house at all.

And sure enough after many days of totok not being found, with the help of Allah swt, totok was successfully found in a river by one of the residents who happened to see the body of the boy who was curled up in the cold.

Totok's body was completely dirty, smelly and shivering constantly from the cold. As a result, totok was immediately taken to the house and given full care. However, totok's psychic and mental state still seems to be disturbed.

He also hasn't been able to tell the things he knows because his mouth is hard to say something. And even more horrifyingly, sometimes totok is still delirious in fear while covering his face.

Perhaps, totok still remembers the moments when the totok was brought by the sandekala figure. As a result, there was a ustadz who happened to understand this matter. Totok's body was also watered using prayer water.

Then, he was given to drink the do'a water to remove all wounds and also the poor state of the totok. And sure enough. Miraculously, the bruised wounds around totok's body disappeared. Gradually, the body of the totok also improved again. He has also been able to chat again with pak juned and the children around him.

For this totok incident, it finally made a lesson for all surrounding parents in the village to supervise their children when the time of change of day and night was about to fall.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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kalo menurut aku grammar nya udh betul semua kok kak tinggal accent nya atau cara bilang nya yg perlu diperhatikan yaa

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Last Update: Thu, 27 Oct 22