purpose of the text1 Pigeon refers to all birds of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari helmiani2495 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Purpose of the text1 Pigeon refers to all birds of the family Columbidae and

order Columbiformes. They consist of 310 species. Some

people call them as “Doves”.

2 Jane is my best friend. She is 15 years-old. She has tall

and slim body. She also has long, black hair.

3 Honey bee refers to some species of bees which can

produce honey and beeswax. Of all 20.000 species of

bees, only seven species belong to the group of honey bee.

They are all insect.

4 My family and I went to our grandpa’s home last Sunday.

We went there in the morning by car. There we had

lunch. Then we went fishing by the river.

5 That building is painted in white. It has five floors. It looks

strong and modern.

6 A mobile phone is a very small portable radio telephone.

The mobile phone can be used to communicate over long

distances without wires.

7 Budi came home late from school yesterday. He had

lunch and instantly took a nap.

8 You have to push a ball into the air by throwing or kicking

it. The ball comes back to the ground because of gravity.Gravity is the pull of the Earth which attracts everything

to it.

9 One day the man and his son went collecting fire-wood.

They saw a golden tree. They went slowly over to the tree.

When they got closer to the tree they heard a voice

coming from the tree.

10 First, combine the apricots, sultanas, prunes, and orange

juice. Then bring the mixture to the boil, cover and leave

to stand for 15 minutes. Next add the milk powder, bread

crumbs and almonds, and mix thoroughly. Sprinkle half

the coconut over the base of a non-stick shallow pan

about 25 cm x 18 cm. Then press the mixture into the pan

and sprinkle with the remaining coconut, pressing it in

well. Finally cover and leave in the fridge for several

hours before cutting into small slices to serve.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

about 25 cm x 18 cm the press the mixture into the pan

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Last Update: Mon, 21 Jun 21