Quiz! A Glimpse of Us by Joji 1. Do you like

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Quiz!A Glimpse of Us by Joji
1. Do you like that song? Why?
2. What can you learn from that song?

Please give your best answer in English!

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Glimpse of Us by Joji


1. Yes, because this song has a very deep meaning about a man who has not forgotten his past relationship and teaches many lessons in having a new relationship.

2. Why always remember what is lost, but not see what we have. Why lament what you don't have, when you can be grateful for what you have. If we put the past in front, we will be behind. That is, if we continue to live in the past, remembering old memories, we will not be able to move forward. Our lives continue to be confined in that period.

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Last Update: Thu, 15 Sep 22