Assalamu'alaikum kak bantu jwab pls Vina : I have a trouble,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Fairishaa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Assalamu'alaikum kak bantu jwab plsVina : I have a trouble, now.
Opik: What is it?
Vina: I have broken my sister cellphone.
Opik: Have you ever told about it?
Vina: I haven't, I am afraid that she will be angry to me.
Opik: I suggest you to tell her about it. Then say "sorry",
Vina: How about if she wants me me to fix her cellphone?
Opik: It is better to you to bring it out to the cellphone center.
Vina: But I don't know where I can get.
Opik: Don't be worried! I have a friend who has a cellphone center
Vina: Will he fix it by himself?
Opik: Yes, of course.
Vina: Thank you so much.

1. What happened to Vina?
2. "Will he fix it by himself." What does the underlined word refer to?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Vina : I have a trouble, now.

Opik: What is it?

Vina: I have broken my sister cellphone.

Opik: Have you ever told about it?

Vina: I haven't, I am afraid that she will be angry to me.

Opik: I suggest you to tell her about it. Then say "sorry",

Vina: How about if she wants me me to fix her cellphone?

Opik: It is better to you to bring it out to the cellphone center.

Vina: But I don't know where I can get.

Opik: Don't be worried! I have a friend who has a cellphone center

Vina: Will he fix it by himself?

Opik: Yes, of course.

Vina: Thank you so much.

1. What happened to Vina?

Vina was afraid of her sister getting angry because she broke her sister’s cellphone.

2. "Will he fix it by himself." What does the underlined word refer to?

The underlined word refers to Opik’s friend who owns a cellphone center who can fix Vina sister's broken cellphone.


Teks di atas adalah sebuah jenis teks Dialog. Teks Dialog merupakan sebuah teks percakapan antara dua individu yang saling berinteraksi mengenai suatu hal. Teks Dialog kebanyakan menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari dengan menggunakan Simple Present Tense.

Berikut ciri-ciri dari teks dialog:

  • Memiliki inti pembicaraan tentang suatu hal.
  • Individu yang saling berbicara memakai tutur kata yang mudah dimengerti satu sama lain.
  • Teks dalam kalimat Dialog selalu diawali dengan mencantumkan nama individu yang melakukan dialog.
  • Bagian kalimat Dialog selalu diawali dan ditutup dengan tanda kutip (“...“).

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Last Update: Sun, 20 Nov 22