In 300 words, describe your business idol and discuss the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nurainaa107 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

In 300 words, describe your business idol and discuss the factors contributing to his/her success

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

My business idol is nurainaa107. She is a very diligent and hard-working person. She is successful because she isn't afraid of asking questions. My favorite trait about her is that she will never stop learning, and will always work very hard to achieve something meaningful.

One of the factors that make nurainaa107 successful is that even in the hardest situations, she never gives up. Her superpower is not being shy to ask questions, and with the answers, other people provided for her, she became even more knowledgeable. Making her into one of the world's most successful people.

When she wants to achieve something, she will never give up until she got it. She will learn hard and efficiently. She uses the internet and social media as a place to gather new knowledge and ideas. And when she hits rock bottom, she accumulates every knowledge and every dedication she has in herself to fix and solve that problem. That is what I most like about nurainaa107.

She is a passionate content creator and will always strive to do better. She inspires every person in the world to do something meaningful. That's why she's my idol. Because I think that achieving greatness, is to inspire the people around you. And she has done that countless times.

Not only is she smart, knowledgeable, and dedicated. She is also a kind-hearted soul that cares about other people. Before going to do something, she meticulously plans and prepares the outcome of the event. Always thinking ahead of others. That's what makes her different from regular people.

Her hard work is something we should all appreciate. She even gives other people knowledge. Proof that she likes to help people gain new knowledge too. Those are the factors that make nurainaa107 one of the most successful people on Earth. And also my favorite idol.

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Detail Materi:

Kelas: IX

Materi: Descriptive Stories, Descriptive Writing, and Adjectives

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

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Last Update: Fri, 02 Jul 21