If you want to advance in your career, you will

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sugiyatmisugiyatmi1 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

If you want to advance in your career, you will have to make some careful decision about which jobs to take. Evaluate a job offer for the value it has to your career. It may mean sacrifice at first. You may have to move to a different region or a different country to get a job that is right for you. You may have to work late hours, at last temporarily. You might even have to take lower salary for job that offers you the experience that you need. But you should never accept a job if it is not related to your career goals.Accepting a job that is not within your career path will not give yoy the training or experience you need or want. You will find yourself frustrated in such position and consequently will not perform your best. This will have an effect on the people around you who will not feel as id you are being a part of the team. The best advice is to think carefully before accepting any position and make sure the job is the one you want to have.

1.What is the most significant factor in evaluating a job ?
2. Mention as a sacrifice for a valuable job?
3.What is the writer 's best advice?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Mungkin Begini

1. How important is it to further your career goals

2. Time, relationships, and maybe physical and mental health

3. Find one that is within your domain of expertise, and think things through before accepting any job.

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Last Update: Fri, 18 Jun 21