Rainbow is arch of light exhibiting the spectrum colours in

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Rainbow is arch of light exhibiting the spectrum colours in their order, caused by drops ofwater falling through the air. It is seen usually in the sky opposite to the sun at the close of a
shower and also in the spray of waterfalls. In the brightest or primary bow, often the only one
seen, the colours are arranged with the red outside. Above the perfect bow is a secondary
bow, in which the colours are arranged in reverse order; this bow is dimmer, because of a
double reflection within the drops.
When the sunlight enters a raindrop it is refracted, or bent, by and reflected from the
drop in such a way that the light appears as a spectrum of colours. The colours can be
seen, however, only when the angle of reflection between the sun, the drop of water, and
the observer's line of vision is between 40° and 42°
When the sun is low in the sky the rainbow appears relatively high; as the sun rises
higher, the rainbow appears lower in the sky, maintaining the critical 40° to 42° angle. When
the sun is more than 42° above the horizon no rainbow can be seen because the required
angle passes over the head of the observer.

4 What makes the rainbow visible?
5.What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?

tolong dijawab dalam bahasa inggris​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


4. because of a double reflection within the drops

5. when the sun is low in the sky the rainbow appears relatively high, as the sun rises higher the rainbow appears lower in the sky

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Last Update: Wed, 02 Jun 21