I loved the springtime when my daddy plowedthe ground with

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mikhatania1 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

I loved the springtime when my daddy plowedthe ground with a horse and plow. Barefooted!
followed behind him with the fresh cool plowed
dirt under my feet. Once I stepped on a big
old black chicken snake stretched across the
middle of the row in the corn field. The corn
was as tall as I was. The snake had a funny feel
under my foot and scared me, so I ran closer to
my daddy. The snake ran away, too.

7. What does the writer tell about?

A. The past springtime.
B. His father.
C. His tragic experience
D. The old black chicken.
E. His activity in the springtime.

8. Why did the writer run closer to his father?

A. He wanted to catch a snake.
B. He wanted to see his father.
C. He didn't like being dirty.
D. He saw a big snake.
E. He helped his father plow the ground.

9. "The snake had a (funny) feel under my foot
and scared me,...."

"FUNNY" has similar in meaning
to ...
A. cute
D. weak
B. strange
E. humorous
C. curious​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


7. A. The past springtime

8. D. He saw a big snake

9. E. Humorous

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Last Update: Wed, 02 Jun 21